Our Attraction
Chinmaya Jeevan Darshan
Inaugurated on December 27, 2008, Chinmaya Jeevan Darshan (CJD) is an outstanding tribute and monument to showcase the teachings, life, vision and work of Swami Chinmayananda through an exquisite amalgamation of paintings, sculptures, photographs, quotations, and audio and video multi-media technology.
The experience of going through the various stages of Swami Chinmayananda’s life provides an insight that makes one aspire for the highest. Through Swami Chinmayananda’s life, the visitor learns many positive qualities like his spirit of independent thinking, his questioning mind, conviction to live with fearless courage, intense patriotism and great compassion for humanity. Through his work, one sees how he made the scriptures available to all. Through his teachings, the seeker learns that the way to world perfection is through individual perfection.
The design ‘sets out to achieve the intimacy experienced by a visit to a temple or the satisfaction and joy felt doing a tirth-yatra (pilgrimage)’ says Ramesh Mulye, one of the creative minds behind CJD. With a rich, multi-sensory, intensely personal and essentially experiential format, CJD brings the story of Swami Chinmayananda’s life alive to the visitor. The first stop is a dome where the 108 names of Swami Chinmayananda are chanted continuously. Around a corner, there is a huge carving of his signature Om. Giant murals in brilliant colours piece together the story of Swami Chinmayananda’s life. The audio narrative through a ‘wireless’ GuidePORT head-set allows the viewer to understand the fifteen murals better, and also experience the whole monument at his or her own pace.
The visitor meets two statues of Swami Chinmayananda – one of him in a meditative posture, in polymer form, lit from within, as though by the light of Consciousness. The other is a breathtaking life-like wax statue seated in a sanctum where visitors may offer prostrations. The statue was made by Jeni Fairey, an artist who was associated with Madame Tussauds in London. Another interesting feature is the kiosks with touch screens that allow visitors to look at Swami Chinmayananda’s photographs, articles, manuscripts, video clips and more. One can even ask him a question, and he replies through a video clip.
Visitors to Chinmaya Vibhooti are blessed in different ways: young people draw long-lasting inspiration; casual visitors experience an upward turn in spiritual progress; seeds of greatness are sown in the fertile minds of children; devotees are immersed in devotion to the Guru; and Mission sevaks remain inspired and motivated.
Chinmaya Vibhooti is like a beautiful necklace on the body of the Chinmaya Mission. CJD is the pendant of that necklace and Pujya Gurudev’s wax statue in CJD is the shining diamond on that pendant.
– Swamini Vimalananda, Director, CCMT Education Cell,
Acharya. Chinmaya Mission, Coimbatore, India
I cannot express my joy in words. All of you should go there and experience it.
– Dr. P. R. G. Gupta, Pune, 30 December 2008
We come to Chinmaya Vibhooti to become His Vibhooti.
– Swami Swaroopananda,
Director, Chinmaya International Residential School, Coimbatore, India
The monument is open to visitors from 1.30 to 4.00 PM (entry closes at 3.30 PM) every Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. It is closed on Tuesdays. On other days it may be opened for larger groups at the discretion of Chinmaya Vibhooti management.
Please contact : – cjd@chinmayamission.com
or chinmaya.vibhooti@chinmayamission.com for further details and to inform about your arrival.
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Chinmaya Vibhooti
Post Kolwan,
Taluka Mulshi,
Pune, Maharashtra 412108
Chinmaya Vibhooti Swagat Team:
+91-9689891959 (9 AM to 6 PM daily)